Creditsafe Business Index Report

Creditsafe Business Index Report Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k. - HRA 100196 07745 JENA Credit Report

Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k. operates within the Dispensing chemist in specialised stores industry. It was incorporated in 1992. Its headquarters are located at Robert-Koch-Straße 6 Apolda 99510. The company number for Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k. is HRA 100196 07745 JENA, with a safe number DE00685233.
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Company Name:
Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k.
Company Address:
Robert-Koch-Straße 6 Apolda 99510
Incorporation Date:
Organisation Number:
HRA 100196 07745 JENA
Safe Number:
Company Type:
Registered Merchant
4773, Dispensing chemist in specialised stores
Actively Trading
Payments Analysis:
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Industry Benchmark

How does this company compare to the averages within its industry.

Average Industry Credit Score Comparison
Average Industry Credit Limit Comparison
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms Comparison
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined above are created by reviewing this company within its industry.

Adverse payment profiles

Days Beyond Terms:
Adverse Payments:
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Frequently asked questions

Where is Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k. headquarters?
Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k.'s headquarters is located at Robert-Koch-Straße 6 Apolda 99510.
What is Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k.'s industry?
Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k. is in the industry of Dispensing chemist in specialised stores.
What is Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k.'s phone number?
Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k.'s phone number is 3644562130.
What is Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k.'s website?
Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k.'s website is
What year was Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k. incorporated?
Glocken - Apotheke Inh.: Dr. Annett Fischer E.k. was incorporated in 1992.
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