Creditsafe Business Index Report

Creditsafe Business Index Report Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S - 27970613 Credit Report

Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S operates within the Retail trade of radio and television appliances and other audio-video appliances for domestic use, such as video recorder, cameras, hi-fi equipment, etc. industry. It was incorporated in 1970. Its headquarters are located at Vestre Strandvej 25 A Balka, 3730 Nexø. The company number for Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S is 27970613, with a safe number DK03161778.
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Company Name:
Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S
Company Address:
Vestre Strandvej 25 A Balka, 3730 Nexø
Incorporation Date:
CVR Number:
Safe Number:
Company Type:
Limited Company
4743001, Retail trade of radio and television appliances and other audio-video appliances for domestic use, such as video recorder, cameras, hi-fi equipment, etc.
Payments Analysis:
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Industry Benchmark

How does this company compare to the averages within its industry.

Average Industry Credit Score Comparison
Average Industry Credit Limit Comparison
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms Comparison
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The key credit metrics outlined above are created by reviewing this company within its industry.

Financial Data

Latest filings (2023)

Pre-Tax Profit (Total Profit):
Total Current Assets:
21,983 DKK
Total Fixed Assets:
18,592 DKK
Net Worth:

Adverse payment profiles

Days Beyond Terms:
Adverse Payments:
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Frequently asked questions

Where is Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S headquarters?
Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S's headquarters is located at Vestre Strandvej 25 A Balka, 3730 Nexø.
What is Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S's industry?
Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S is in the industry of Retail trade of radio and television appliances and other audio-video appliances for domestic use, such as video recorder, cameras, hi-fi equipment, etc..
What is Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S's phone number?
Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S's phone number is 56492225.
What year was Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S incorporated?
Tv Magasinet Rønne A/S was incorporated in 1970.
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