Creditsafe Business Index Report

Creditsafe Business Index Report Alice Pizza S.p.a. Credit Report

Alice Pizza S.p.a. operates within the Training courses and professional refresher courses industry. It was incorporated in 2012. Its headquarters are located at Via Barberini 86 Roma Lazio 187. Alice Pizza S.p.a. is assigned the safe number IT03782695
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Company Name:
Alice Pizza S.p.a.
Company Address:
Via Barberini 86 Roma Lazio 187
Incorporation Date:
Company Number:
Company Type:
Joint-Stock Company
85592, Training courses and professional refresher courses
Payments Analysis:
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Industry Benchmark

How does this company compare to the averages within its industry.

Current Ratio
Pre Tax Profit
-7,342,391 EUR
Current Debt Ratio
More information about the ratings
The key credit metrics outlined above are created by reviewing this company within its industry.

Financial Data

Latest filings (2022)

42,636,374 EUR
Pre-Tax Profit (Total Profit):
Total Current Assets:
9,522,530 EUR
Total Fixed Assets:
70,390,509 EUR
Net Worth:

Adverse payment profiles

Adverse Payments:
Want to know more about Alice Pizza S.p.a.?
Why not view their full credit report for free today.

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Pre Tax Profit
Current Debt Ratio
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Frequently asked questions

Where is Alice Pizza S.p.a. headquarters?
Alice Pizza S.p.a.'s headquarters is located at Via Barberini 86 Roma Lazio 187.
What is Alice Pizza S.p.a.'s industry?
Alice Pizza S.p.a. is in the industry of Training courses and professional refresher courses.
What is Alice Pizza S.p.a.'s website?
Alice Pizza S.p.a.'s website is
What year was Alice Pizza S.p.a. incorporated?
Alice Pizza S.p.a. was incorporated in 2012.
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