Creditsafe Business Index Report

Creditsafe Business Index Report Ballerup Museums Fond Credit Report

Ballerup Museums Fond operates within the Management of museums, including open air museums: art museums, museums of gold plates, furniture, costumes, ceramics, silverware, etc.; natural history museums, technics and science museums, etc. industry. It was incorporated in 2005. Its headquarters are located at Pederstrupvej 53, 2750 Ballerup. The company number for Ballerup Museums Fond is 30106997, with a safe number DK03231891.
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Company Name:
Ballerup Museums Fond
Company Address:
Pederstrupvej 53, 2750 Ballerup
Incorporation Date:
CVR Number:
Safe Number:
Company Type:
Other Business Entities
9102001, Management of museums, including open air museums: art museums, museums of gold plates, furniture, costumes, ceramics, silverware, etc.; natural history museums, technics and science museums, etc.
Payments Analysis:
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Industry Benchmark

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Average Industry Credit Score Comparison
Average Industry Credit Limit Comparison
Average Industry Days Beyond Terms Comparison
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Adverse payment profiles

Days Beyond Terms:
Adverse Payments:
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Frequently asked questions

Where is Ballerup Museums Fond headquarters?
Ballerup Museums Fond's headquarters is located at Pederstrupvej 53, 2750 Ballerup.
What is Ballerup Museums Fond's industry?
Ballerup Museums Fond is in the industry of Management of museums, including open air museums: art museums, museums of gold plates, furniture, costumes, ceramics, silverware, etc.; natural history museums, technics and science museums, etc..
What year was Ballerup Museums Fond incorporated?
Ballerup Museums Fond was incorporated in 2005.
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