Creditsafe Business Index Report

Creditsafe Business Index Report Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata Credit Report

Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata operates within the Growing vegetables (including melons) in leaf, stem, fruit, roots, bulbs and tubers in open air (excluding sugar beet and potatoes) industry. It was incorporated in 2002. Its headquarters are located at Cnt Anticaglie 17 Santa Croce Camerina Sicilia 97017. Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata is assigned the safe number IT03526334
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Company Name:
Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata
Company Address:
Cnt Anticaglie 17 Santa Croce Camerina Sicilia 97017
Incorporation Date:
Company Number:
Company Type:
Small Limited Liability Co-Operative Company
1131, Growing vegetables (including melons) in leaf, stem, fruit, roots, bulbs and tubers in open air (excluding sugar beet and potatoes)
Payments Analysis:
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Current Ratio
Pre Tax Profit
Current Debt Ratio
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Adverse payment profiles

Adverse Payments:
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Frequently asked questions

Where is Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata headquarters?
Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata's headquarters is located at Cnt Anticaglie 17 Santa Croce Camerina Sicilia 97017.
What is Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata's industry?
Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata is in the industry of Growing vegetables (including melons) in leaf, stem, fruit, roots, bulbs and tubers in open air (excluding sugar beet and potatoes).
What year was Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata incorporated?
Kaucana Piccola Societa' Cooperativa A Responsabilita' Limitata was incorporated in 2002.
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