Payment data and transactions

Trade Payment Data Programme

Join the world's largest trade payment data programme and share your invoice payment experiences with us in complete confidentiality. Discover your commercial advantage today!

A global overview of payment transactions can strongly support you in managing your credit risks and your debt collection.

Together we can increase the transparency of payment data and its behaviour

Together we can increase the transparency of payment data and its behaviour. A global overview of payment transactions can strongly support you in managing your credit risks and your debt collection.

By analysing payment information from an average of 297 million invoices per year, our payment data programme provides a reliable picture of how companies around the world pay their invoices.

The payment data we collect in our "Trade Payment Data Programme" is based on real and unique payment experiences of companies all over the world. These payment performances are then, unanimously and confidentially, reflected in our credit reports.  This gives you a clear overview of how companies pay other suppliers. 

A company's payment behaviour is a strong indicator of their current financial situation. If a company falls behind on its invoices, it is much more likely to be at risk of insolvency or probability of default. On average, 31% of all payment transactions we receive and analyse are overdue.

It is for this reason that we have founded the Creditsafe Trade Payment Programme. By joining our growing list of trade payment data providers - by sharing your trade experiences with us - you are contributing to the industry's most diverse and fastest-growing commercial trade data universe. 

Trade Payment Data Programme

Mapping out the transparency of payment transactions together

  1. More than 88 million unique trade lines

  2. More than 8.000 global providers of payment transactions

  3. More than 290 million invoices analysed

  4. 63% of all credit reports include payment experiences

  5. Grow your database of insights and knowledge with your own credit risk data

  6. Use our logo to show that you share and encourage trade payment data.

  7. Get a complete overview of the good and bad debtors in your portfolios.

  8. Sharing payment tansactions are confidential, anonymous and data proof protected

Why sharing is caring

Financial instability and uncertain economic periods are a powerful reminder that transparency and openness in business are essential in today's economic climate

Sharing best practices and uncovering poor payment performance enables us to create an accurate picture of companies' payment behaviour and capacity. 

We collect, sort and process payment transactions or data to provide an even broader and more complete picture of a company's credit risks, giving you the most complete financial business information to make well-informed credit decisions.

Sharing best practices and uncovering poor payment performance enables us to create an accurate picture of companies' payment behaviour and capacity.

By participating in the Creditsafe Trade Payment Data Programme, you also contribute to the transparent mapping of the payment behaviour at company level. 

This is a "win-win" situation for everyone, as it gives you a clear insight into how companies (your customers) pay their suppliers and you increase your know-how by simply comparing companies that pay on time with those that pay late, within a certain segment or sector.

Therefore, sharing is caring!