Book your call with Creditsafe Today

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What to expect on our call?

During our call we will explain how Creditsafe has helped over 105,000 companies worldwide reduce DSO and improve cash flow

With our scoring model, we can predict 70% of company insolvencies 12 months in advance, allowing you to better understand the risk profile of your customers and forecast your cash flow. Every business is also assigned a Creditsafe International Score. This is a standardized score derived from the Creditsafe rating. With Creditsafe you can assess the financial risk posed by over 430 million businesses worldwide.

  1. Payment trends and DSO

    Our trade payment analysis highlights late payments allowing you to better forecast your cash flow and reduce DSO.

  2. Credit scores & limits

    All our reports contain a business credit score and a suggested credit limits so you can understand the financial risk businesses pose.

  3. Group structures and linkages

    Corporate hierarchical structure identifying the headquarters, parent companies, subsidiaries and branches at a global level.

  4. Derogatory legal

    Check the number and value of tax liens and judgment filed in the last 6 years and 9 months plus bankruptcies filed in the last 9 years and 9 months.

Credit Scoring System

A world of information

Get instant access to commercial credit information on 430 million companies worldwide, delivered instantly online through our network of 26 offices across North America, Europe and Asia.

Through our global data network we can deliver over 365 million reports instantly online
  1. Worldwide coverage

    Instant credit reports on 365 million businesses worldwide.

  2. 24/7 monitoring

    Real time notifications of credit risk changes delivered direct to your inbox.

  3. Officer Information

    See the officers of each company and identify other know affiliations.

  4. Possible OFAC

    Flag sanctioned businesses that the U.S. government prohibits from trading with under the Patriot Act.

  5. Trade Line Analysis

    Identify and analyze outstanding credit commitments and payment behaviors.

  6. Dedicated support

    Training & support delivered through dedicated account management.

Book your call with Creditsafe Today