Shock resistance

Which of your clients have enough reserves to withstand a sudden shock?

Companies face more shocks than we think. One thing they all have in common: they are unpredictable and have a huge impact on the companies involved.

Without realising it, companies are facing multiple shocks. Which companies are sufficiently equipped to cope with them?

COVID-19, supply chain disruption, scarcity of labour, raw materials and materials, rising costs of energy, raw materials and wages, inflation, accelerating green transition, an increase in bankruptcies and judicial dissolutions, roadworks, fire damage, floods, etc.

One thing all shocks have in common: they are often unpredictable and have a huge impact on the companies involved if they do not have reserves to fall back on. Do you know which of your customers are capable of absorbing such a shock?

GraydonCreditsafe developed the Shock Resilience Score for this purpose. The score indicates the extent to which a company can withstand one or more shocks. It is a calculation of the reserves a company holds, in addition to those needed to cover normal operations and normally predictable risks.

Shock resilience calculates the reserves a company holds on top of those needed to cover normal operations and normally predictable risks.

Every man for himself

The measures taken by the government to protect companies during the coronavirus crisis were unprecedented. Premiums, credits, moratoriums on bankruptcies, etc. Those days are completely over. Besides, there is little chance that the government can make such a financial effort again in the future to support the economy.

Government money and the private capital of numerous entrepreneurs have been used up by now. Companies will have to be able to cope with sudden shocks on their own in the future. It is therefore crucial for all companies to build up sufficient reserves.

Use the shock resilience score to determine which business relationships have sufficient reserves.

Upload, enrich, download

The online application allows you to upload, enrich and immediately download your customer portfolio. In the accompanying report, in addition to the Shock Resilience score, you will also find the Multiscore for each company, which indicates a company's chances of survival in the medium term. This gives you a clear picture of what your customer portfolio really looks like.


The Shock Resilience Report also includes a 9-grid, which gives a quick picture of the situation in your customer portfolio. The X-axis with the Multiscore shows the companies' medium-term survival rates. The Y-axis shows the shock resistance.

Download the leaflet

9-grid shock resistance / shock resilience