Digital Identity Verification that streamlines customer onboarding.

Simplify KYC Compliance with Digital Identity and Document Verification from Creditsafe.

Trusted by some of the world’s leading companies

Securely carry out identity and document verification checks in minutes.

With ID Verification Plus, you can now perform identity checks quickly and securely, ensuring that you stay ahead of the game when it comes to compliance. From verifying customer identities to conducting thorough background, right-to-work, or right-to-rent checks, we've got you covered.

  1. Take a selfie

    Our software uses biometric facial recognition technology to confirm that the selfie matches the image on the ID document.

  1. Liveness test

    Our passive liveness technology is designed to detect the presence of a live person. In the event of a failure, individuals will be prompted to take a second selfie and perform a unique action.

  1. Take a photo of ID Document

    Our system checks to confirm that passports and documents are valid and genuine.

A streamlined review and approval process

Our secure ID Verification Plus platform provides an efficient way to manage and review customer ID verification checks. When customers submit their identity information, it undergoes a thorough process of biometric, document, and database checks to confirm their identity. This process ensures that the customer is who they claim to be and helps to prevent fraudulent activities.

Our platform generates a comprehensive Customer Due Diligence (CDD) report instantly, which creates a robust audit trail for your business. Using our portal, you can ensure that all customer identities are verified thoroughly and that you comply with regulations. 

  1. ID Verification

  2. Liveness Check

  3. Enhanced AML

Enhance your identity verification checks

For more robust customer verification, additional checks can be completed by your customer in the same verification flow.

  1. Proof of Address

    Verify a customer's address as part of the ID Verification process by allowing them to upload a utility bill or bank statement.

  2. Third-Party Data Checks

    Verify the customer’s name, date of birth or address against records from a centralised database

  3. AML Watchlist Screening

    For high-risk use cases, we can check a customer's information against a global database of PEP, sanction and watch lists.

Digital right to work checks

Are you looking to improve your right-to-work compliance and streamline employee onboarding checks?

ID Verification Plus provides a fast, simple and secure way of ensuring employees have the right to work in the United Kingdom. Per Home Office guidance, demonstrating that you have carried out a Right to Work check can protect your organisation from illegal working penalties.

Our Right to Work checking software removes the stress of manually collecting and validating employee ID Documents. Using advanced ID verification technology for Right to Work checks means your organisation can meet the Government digital identity check guidance and remain compliant with the latest Right to Work guidance.

Right to rent tenant checks

Stay compliant with fast and secure right to rent tenant checks for landlords.

Our ID Verification Plus platform allows landlords to check the immigration status of all prospective adult tenants before allowing them to rent a property in the UK.

Failure to carry out Right to Rent checks or rent to someone who does not have the right to rent may result in financial penalties and, in some cases, criminal charges. Therefore, landlords need to familiarise themselves with Right to Rent regulations and follow them carefully to ensure compliance with the law.

Frequently asked ID Verification questions

What Documents are required for AML checks?

The types of ID documents required for an AML (Anti-Money Laundering) check may vary depending on the nature of the business and the level of risk involved. In general, the following types of documents may be required:

  1. Government-issued identification documents, such as a passport, driver's license, or national ID card.

  2. Proof of address documents, such as a utility bill or bank statement, which must be recent and show the individual's current address.

  3. Other documents, such as a birth certificate, marriage certificate, or adoption certificate, may be required in certain circumstances to confirm the individual's identity.

UK businesses must adhere to specific regulations and requirements when conducting AML checks, and failure to comply can result in penalties or legal issues.

What is a Right to Work check?

Before employing someone, it's essential that employers conduct a right to work check to verify that the individual has the legal right to work in the UK. 

To streamline this process and ensure compliance with employment law, employers can opt for a digital identity check with Creditsafe. By doing so, employers can confirm that the employee is eligible to carry out the work they are being hired for, while also satisfying their legal obligations. 

Don't take any chances with employment law - ensure you're fully compliant by conducting a right to work check with Creditsafe's digital identity verification solution.

What is an AML check?

An AML (Anti-Money Laundering) check is a process used to verify the identity of individuals and ensure that they are not involved in money laundering or other financial crimes. The purpose of an AML check is to help prevent criminals from using financial institutions or businesses to launder money or finance illegal activities.

An AML check typically involves verifying the identity of the individual using government-issued identification documents and other relevant information, such as their address or occupation. In some cases, additional checks may be required, such as verifying the source of funds or conducting enhanced due diligence on high-risk individuals or transactions.

Businesses and financial institutions are required by law to perform AML checks to ensure compliance with regulations and to protect themselves from potential financial and reputational risks. By conducting thorough AML checks, companies can help prevent financial crime and safeguard their operations against legal and regulatory issues.

Who needs to carry out ID checks?

ID checks may need to be carried out by a wide range of individuals and organizations, depending on the situation.

Some examples of individuals who may need to carry out ID checks include employers, landlords, banks, and other financial institutions, government agencies, law enforcement officials, and security personnel.

Employers may need to carry out ID checks as part of the hiring process to verify the identity and eligibility of job candidates to work legally in a specific country. Landlords may need to carry out ID checks to verify the identity and right to rent of potential tenants. Banks and other financial institutions may need to carry out ID checks to confirm the identity of customers for security and fraud prevention purposes.

Government agencies, law enforcement officials, and security personnel may also need to carry out ID checks for various reasons, such as verifying the identity of individuals for security clearance, background checks, or criminal investigations.

Ultimately, the need for ID checks will depend on the situation and the specific requirements of the organization or individual carrying out the checks.

What is a Right to Rent check?

In the UK, private landlords and agents have a legal obligation to perform a 'right to rent' check on all tenants, lodgers, and any other adults who will be residing in the property. This involves verifying their immigration status by requesting and checking identity documents to confirm that they have the right to live in the UK, whether that be permanently or temporarily. It's important to carry out this check before the tenancy begins to ensure that all tenants have the legal right to live in the property. By fulfilling this requirement, landlords and agents can comply with UK immigration law and protect themselves from potential penalties.

Who needs to comply with AML regulations?

AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations apply to a wide range of businesses and individuals who are involved in financial transactions. Some of the most common types of businesses that must comply with AML regulations include banks, credit unions, insurance companies, financial advisers, money service businesses, casinos, and real estate agents. Additionally, certain professions such as lawyers, accountants, and estate agents may also be required to comply with AML regulations in certain circumstances. Essentially, anyone who is involved in financial transactions or provides financial services may be subject to AML regulations, and it's important to stay up to date with the latest requirements to avoid potential penalties or legal issues.