License our data

Tap into the world’s largest database of global company information

License the Creditsafe database in bulk, or via our API.

Creditsafe data powers products from these leading companies

Tap into millions of corporate data profiles, all structured according to your needs.

Creditsafe holds public and private company data on almost 400 million companies from around the world. Access company financials, director and shareholder details, corporate ownership and official registry data for analysis, master data management or to enhance new and existing products.

What you can do with the Creditsafe database:

Credit and financial risk analysis

Our globally comparable financial strength metrics and standardized financials help you assess customers, partners or suppliers quickly and easily. Our corporate structures help you assess financial stability across the group.

Compliance and financial crime prevention

Our extensive corporate structures and beneficial ownership data combined with information on PEPs, sanctions and adverse news help you assess third parties more thoroughly than any other source.

Supplier risk management

Find new suppliers and assess existing suppliers for both financial and reputation risk using our financial risk metrics and extensive ownership structures.

Sales and marketing database building

Analyse new markets and regions and create business plans using facts. use Creditsafe to enrich and refresh your CRM for a more efficient sales and marketing team.

Master data management

Access our reference data for your data management projects. Creditsafe can help you with matching/de-duping and data enhancing services, creating links between datasets across your organization and creating single views from data silos.

The most comprehensive global company database

Our global company index is made up of data from over 200 sources; including local registries, legal filings and real-time payment experiences. We treat, append and standardize it to make it richer, more insightful and easier to interrogate.

Unique identifiers

Official company registration numbers

Industry codes and descriptions

Detailed company descriptions

Standardized financials

Financial strength metrics

Creditsafe scores and limits

Official company documents

Gloabl PEPs and sanctions

Adverse news screening

Ultimate Beneficial owners

Global and domestic ultimate owners

Corporate structures

Directors, Shareholders and managers

Merger & Acquisition (M&A) deals

Take advantage of our financial strength models

The Creditsafe API provides you with access to data on almost 400 million companies globally. We can also provide you with data in bulk for companies in the following countries:

Use our financial models, which have been designed by our team of experts to work with our standardized company reports, to gain transparent, independent views and predictive indicators of a company’s financial strength. With these financial strength metrics, you’ll have the ability to assess companies more quickly and with a greater degree of certainty. They’ll also help you benchmark your own models.

Trusted credit scores and recommended credit limits

Use our trusted scores and limits that are endorsed by all major credit insurers.

Custom credit scoring and decisioning models

Let us develop custom scoring models that combine data from multiple sources.

Bulk company financial data

We can provide you with access to historic financial data on companies going back 10 years.

    United Kingdom
    United States

Leverage our Corporate Bulk Data to accelerate growth in your business.

Our Bulk Data File is available in multiple formats and comes with detailed documentation.